Saturday, May 24, 2008

Recent ponderings...

Spring is officially here, and the mood in the city is much improved. Everything always looks a little better with green leaves and tulips. In fact, we're so far into spring now that the tulips have reached their glory and retreated, while the landscapers replace their colors with something more "sensible" (i.e. begonias) for the summer duration. Those tulips however are still my favorite. They shout and scream and kick and struggle to let everyone know that the winter has finally come to an end. I love them because they are one of the pioneers of spring, not afraid to push through the dirty, dank wintered soil, making a more than stellar appearance when all else is still a little brown and drab.

Though I haven't seen my cardinal friend for some time, I hear him every morning, calling out to find that special gal. I don't think she's come yet, as I haven't seen any signs of her, nor have I heard a quieting in his voice. Hang in there buddy, I'm sure some nice ladybird will happen by your tree soon! In other bird sightings outside my little window I've seen a red-headed woodpecker (so stately!), small warblers (as yet unidentified), a hawk of some sort, and two beautiful Scarlet Tanagers.

How is that possible? Right here smack dab in the middle of the city? Sometimes I think it's God's way of reminding me of things that I love. Most of the time I get all caught up in my life and forget about the little joys that are so special. It's amazing what you can find when you take a few seconds to let joy in. Sometimes I think about the fact that I'm sitting here looking out of my window, in the middle of the city, and into the trees with a pair of binoculars. I guess it is more than a little strange and if anyone saw me doing it, I'd probably be questioned by the authorities. Luckily my windows are hidden by several trees and I can sit and do all of the bird spying I want.

Does anyone else in my little courtyard of apartments know these birds are here and how incredibly beautiful they are? I've run into many folks recently who seem to have strong opinions about things, like how they "hate" certain kinds of animals, particularly cats and birds. I am appalled by this, as I just adore both of these creatures and whenever I see them they make me stop, take a breath, and just love life. Then I got to thinking... I suppose that there are things for those people to love too that maybe, well, aren't my favorite, like dogs for example. I like dogs for sure, but when I see them, they don't make me stop and love life like other creatures do. But, nevertheless, I'm glad that they're here roaming the earth for people, because everyone should have their one little thing in life that makes them pause and ponder.

I think that God is pretty tricky. For those who don't find it satisfying to look up into the trees for a comforting sight, at least they have a diversity of little pooches running around to keep them amused. For those who like neither, well, I'm not sure what gives them that little special gleam, that little hint of God, as some might describe it. Sadly, I think that the lack of this might be one of the major ills of modern society. Can the internet and text messaging provide the soulful joy that flowers, birds, cats and dogs have provided people for so long? I worry about the kids today. Many of them are so busy looking at their phones and computers, that they miss the simple beauty of things flying around in the trees. The beautiful red tanagers with their gorgeous black wings and strong bills. They miss the tulips and begonias and that strong and beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback walking down the street. I hope that through all of the distraction that they are somehow able to find the beauty that God has laid before them. Funny, I'm sure that my grandparents said the same thing about television. And I think some kids of the last couple generations turned out okay... So, I guess I have hope for the future?